We at Navient know that you are concerned about privacy and the security of your personal information. It's our policy to respect the privacy of our customers, and to protect their information. We also want you to know how we use and protect the information we receive from and about you.

However, this convenience comes with considerable risk to your security and privacy. To protect your privacy online: Install anti-virus/spyware software and make sure it is up-to-date. Configure your browser or operating system to manage pop-ups, cookies, or block specific websites. Protecting your caller ID privacy The FCC’s caller ID rules require telephone companies to offer simple and uniform per-line blocking and unblocking processes. These are designed to prevent your telephone number from being transmitted to parties you call that subscribe to a caller ID service. These aren't the only programs for protecting your privacy, and this isn't an exhaustive list of privacy-cloaking techniques. However, all these programs do their best to keep you safe from

Ultimately, security and privacy are linked, so you need to get in the habit of protecting both. It might seem like a time-consuming, overwhelming headache, but once you follow these steps, all

People are increasingly aware of, and concerned about, security—in particular, their privacy in both the physical and the digital world. The term “privacy” alludes to various types of issues…

Protecting your privacy is of the utmost importance. Learn tips and tools on how you can better protect your privacy and private information. At Ameris Bank, protecting your privacy is of the utmost importance. We maintain security equipment and software, and are always looking for new ways to help protect your privacy and banking information.

Protecting Your Privacy & Security | HealthIT.gov Dec 17, 2018 Safeguarding Your Money and Protecting Your Privacy | Xe Blog