Essbase Direct I/O vs. Buffered I/O

Optimizing Essbase Caches - Oracle 32-bit Essbase: 4 GB. 64-bit Essbase: 256 TB. Buffered I/O: 1 MB (1,048,576 bytes) Direct I/O: 10 MB. Combined size of all ess n.ind files, if possible; otherwise, as large as possible. Do not set this cache size higher than the total index size, because no performance improvement results. To determine the total index size, see Index Files. Understanding Buffered I/O and Direct I/O | Oracle Community Jun 10, 2009

IFERROR MaxL - Surprises in Essbase Part V ~ Oracle

Jun 10, 2009 Essbase Direct I/O vs. Buffered I/O Essbase Direct I/O vs. Buffered I/O. I am considering using Direct I/O on a large Essbase Data Cube to increase performance. I have heard mixed feelings regarding this. If someone has enabled or attempted to enable Direct I/O, please share your experience. thanks! share this K. Direct I/O vs Buffered I/O - Essbase Users

Hyperion Interview Questions and Answers |Essbase

Hyperion Interview Questions and Answers |Essbase Ans: The data file cache is a buffer in memory that holds compressed data files (.pag files). Essbase allocates memory to the data file cache during data load, calculation, and retrieval operations, as needed. Speed Up Your Essbase: Optimizing Database and Calculation Dec 19, 2017 Oracle Hyperion: 2014 Mar 26, 2014 Hyperion Blog: Essbase Questions